
News & Views About My Favorite Subject BEER!

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Location: Central/California, United States

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Weed Beer

This story has been around a while but the LA TImes had a good article on it today.

This from the end of the article makes real sense...

What irks him most, he says -- even more than the Feds' lack of a funny bone -- is what he considers a double standard.

While stomping on him, Dillmann says, the government treats Budweiser with kid gloves, despite the fact that "This Bud's for you" also could be mistaken for marijuana slang.

"They sell Bud. We sell Weed," he said. "What's the difference?"

Monday, May 12, 2008

Clean and Sober

What could be more Refreshing then waking up from a wild night at your local pub and hopping into the shower and Lathering up with a bar of Soap made with Guinness beer?
Ummm nothing
Please Note!!
** DO NOT attempt to eat or drink this soap! You will not get a buzz you will get a major tummy ache and be blowing bubbles for a week. This soap is intended to wash your body not your intestines**

There is also Sam Adams

And for the plebeians amongst us there is always PBR